Use Shopify Flow with Flits reward program to create customer tiers

Managing reward programs can pose challenges, particularly when balancing long-time and new customers. Giving identical rewards to all customers may seem simple but can be unfair to loyal, long-standing customers. To address this, providing additional rewards based on spending or other metrics is vital for customer retention. This approach can be transformative for businesses with recurring customers. An example is The Man Company, which employs a tiered reward system to acknowledge and incentivize their loyal clientele.


TMC wanted a way to reward their customers on the basis of the amount they have spent on their store.

Apart from setting up a tiered Shopify loyalty program, they also wanted to give rewards only after the order was fulfilled.


Shopify allows tagging customers on the basis of certain parameters. TMC had a custom tagging requirement; hence, tags had to be customized. To implement this flow, a custom module was created for The Man Company that helps them categorize their customers into a tiered list of bronze, silver, and gold. 

Flits solution

Flits worked with a reputed Shopify expert agency to execute a smooth reward mechanism for TMC’s customers.

The agency’s team developed the custom module that automatically tagged customers as bronze, silver, or gold depending on the amount they have spent buying TMC products.

The following image is an example of the flow that can be used to develop a similar mechanism.

Flits fetches these customer tags to give rewards to customers on the basis of bronze, gold, and silver tags.

As per the above flowchart, we can see that once the order/s are fulfilled, customers who are tagged LTV_Gold receive 20% cashback, customers who are tagged LTV_Silver get 15% as cashback, and customers tagged LTV_Bronze get 10 % cashback once their order is delivered.


As a result of this, The Man Club has more than 50k members and counting. It’s a simple strategy of not forcing customers to join a membership, but elevating them to a tier on the basis of their spending is a feat of genius. The Man Company keeps changing cashback strategies from time to time to attract new customers and retain the old ones.

Are you a Shopify plus store and dream of having a world class reward program?

Then let’s discuss it right away!