Flits 2020 : What we hope to achieve Flits 2019 : What we did achieve

Posted by Rashmi Singh on


It feels like the new year is already starting to get over and we are running out of time. None the less Flits team is excited to present to you the agenda we have for this year. We have taken care of all our customer needs and tried and made a list of features we wish to implement this year.


Following are the new features we will try to implement this year :

  • Track customer usage 

So far we never knew how many customers were actually using the features our merchants are paying for. With the Tracking feature they will be able to keep track of the number of customers using the features like Store credit, wishlist, social login. It will give our merchant an insight into what feature they have purchased from us is increasing their sales.

  • Advance reporting 

Advance reporting will help merchants know the amount of credits being used by the customers. It will give an insight into which credits are being spent most by the customers

  • Flits Flow 

 A lot of merchants come across the issue of returns/ cancellations after the first order. In this case the credit that is issued for the first order goes to waste as the customer technically hasn’t bought anything from the store. To solve this issue Flits will implement delaying of credits. That means you can issue the credits after the order is fulfilled or after a certain period of time after the customer makes a purchase. 

In Flits Flow we will also give an option to merchants for segregating their customers on the basis of their purchases so credits can be given accordingly.

  • Account page design option

So far Merchants don't have any options to choose from when it comes to the Customer account page. We will try to give minimum two to three options to choose from different Customer page layouts and themes.


Let’s also take a look at features we introduced last year :


  • Introduced login via Amazon

After a few requests by different merchants we added Social login via Amazon in our Social login option.

  • Referral Credit

This was another feature our merchants wanted in the Store credit option. Referral is another way of direct marketing and referral credit acts as an incentive for customers to refer the store to friends and family. Hence we added referral/ referee credits in our Store Credit Module

  • Overhaul of Flits’ Code Structure

Due to repeated issues w.r.t compatibility with pur Code structure we introduced an entirely new code structure. This helped us in reducing the complaints to 1%. We use AWS which is 99.9% secured and efficient.

  • Strict adherence to GDPR rules

We value the privacy and safety of all our Merchants’ and customers’ data. Therefore we strictly follow all the rules and regulations prescribed under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The sole focus of flits has been on the requirements of Merchants. Yes, we cannot fulfill every requirement due to limited resources and technical difficulties but we try our best to give all the features that we can in all our modules.  We hope you are happy with the changes we are making in our App. If there is any feature or you would like us to add please mail us at Support@getflits.com. We will try our best to work on your demand.